This article will outline connectivity issues with the G or U drive, printers, and other resources connected to the network. This article does not cover all solutions, nor issues with your personal Wi-Fi at home. If you are experiencing issues with your home Wi-Fi, please contact your internet service provider. This article is mainly intended to provide the most common solutions for this issue.
Solution 1 - Check Wi-Fi Connectivity
In order to access certain networked devices, your device will need to be connected to the DSI-Corporate network specifically. In order to connect to the DSI-Corporate network, look for one of these symbols on the taskbar, the bar on the bottom of your screen. Clicking this symbol will bring you to 1 of 2 possible windows, depending on if you are running Windows 10 or Windows 11. This symbol may be hidden in the little arrow on the taskbar, to the left of the time and date.
Windows 10:
Windows 11:
For Windows 10, you will simply select the DSI-Corporate option, then click "Connect". If you are asked to provide a login, enter the login information for your domain account. (The login given to you with your laptop, and used to sign into the laptop.)
For Windows 11, you will click the little arrow in the top-left box, as pictured. This will then open up the list of Wi-Fi signals, and you can follow the same steps as for Windows 10.
If you are connected to DSI-Corporate Wi-Fi and are still experiencing issues, try performing a restart on your device. Make sure you are on the correct Wi-Fi when your device comes back on, then try to access the network resource again. If you have performed these steps and are still experiencing issues, contact IT:
If you do not see the DSI-Corporate Wi-Fi, your location may not have that network setup. In which case, follow Solution 2.
Solution 2 - ControlOne
Note: Do NOT use ControlOne if you are using DSI-Corporate Wi-Fi, as this can cause other issues
Not all DSI locations will have a DSI-Corporate Wi-Fi connection available. If you are working from home, the DSI-Corporate Wi-Fi will also be unavailable. If this is the case, you will need to use ControlOne to connect to the domain to access network devices. In order to connect to ControlOne, we will first look for the icon on the desktop. It should look like this:
If you do not have this icon, try searching for "ControlOne" in your Windows Search via the search bar on the taskbar, or open your Start Menu and type "ControlOne". If you are still unable to find the ControlOne Agent, please create a ticket with IT for assistance:
After opening ControlOne Agent, you may see the following message:This simply means ControlOne is already open, and can safely be disregarded by clicking "OK". Now that ControlOne is open, we will need to ensure it is connected. ControlOne runs in the background, but can be opened by clicking the "Show hidden icons" arrow in the right side of the taskbar.
The icon we are interested in is in the top-left. It may be in a different location for you, but will look the same. The small green dot may be green, yellow, red or gray, depending on ControlOne's status. Click on the ControlOne Icon. If you are asked to provide an email, enter your DSI-provided email.
After hitting next, your browser should open to this page. Select "Open Link"
ControlOne should open again, and you should now be signed in. It should look like this:
Click "Connect" and wait for ControlOne to attempt to connect. If you receive an "Account Pending" message, please contact IT so they can setup ControlOne for your account. If you receive any other error message, try performing a restart on your device and try again. If you are still having issues connecting, please create a ticket with IT so they may look into your issue:
Once ControlOne has successfully connected, it should look like this:
You can now attempt to access the network resources you need. If you are still experiencing issues at this point, create a ticket with IT, as your issue may be more advanced.